Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jeremy party night

Went to Jeremy's house for party
Ps Jeremy: Your house is really too hard and you never answer call... Geesh!
Actually me and yuan went there doesn't feel like partying
We went down to the shop lot at grandview to collect chung vui lam
Then we played cards with daniel and Lam Chee Phang
I should gamble
Cuz I seems like quite lucky
I can win a lot
Having Jamming session with Ivan and Sweeney
Bringing those amplifier and guitars
Chak Wai Yuan and Edmund were so enjoying on playing computer
Pity me and yuan
Like nerd
Went up to the balcony with Arjunana, Tristan, Yuan and Zi heng
Doing nothing actually
But felt happy
Doon't know why
Maybe i feel free there
I am desparate of freedom!
Then got to know with some little secret...
Can't tell
That someone will know....
Right someone!
Discussing about it with arjunana, tristan
Went home without nothing
Boring eh?
But actually I felt fun ya know
Feel interesting
Phang Wei Ja keep on saying Happy cny to me
Sinn say RIP
Chong Yih Lip keep on saying bye bye to me
But i didn't even realize about it....
Sorry Lip...
I wouldn't dare to do that anymore
Ps: snapshot on that day...
Jerema, arjunana, let's go partying again!!!!!!

Tristan trying to scold daniel from the balcony

Oppss.... Arjunana! Wht a great shot!

Zi heng trying to go into the room... As we were discussing we sleep in the room!!!
Big Big room! Zi heng was trying to imagine if the balcony has a swimming pool

Jeremy is so so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy is not forgetting to gamble and with his mashi maro pillow when he was saying bye to sweeney! kaki judi betul